There is a small structure deep within the human brain that first evolved in early vertebrates such as reptiles. That’s why scientists call this the reptilian brain.

The reptilian brain is there to continuously broadcast fear impulses for our safety and survival. The two categories of fear are: Lack and Attack.

Animals in the wild are obsessed with getting more resources (Lack: food, shelter, mates) and avoiding danger (Attack: predators).

Human beings receive fear impulses regularly as well.

There are times when our fear impulse can be helpful.
For example, If a rattle snake crosses our path on a hike and we
experience fear. That is the brain’s way of alerting us
to real danger. This helps with our survival.

And there are times when our fear impulse can repel good fortune because we tell ourselves stories of danger or lack that simply aren’t the truth.

Here’s an example from my personal experience.
Three years ago, another business owner asks to interview
me for their teleconference. I said “no” out of fear (lack) that they just want to use me (my list) to build their own email list. That decision blocked my opportunity to get in front of a new audience AND if I had asked that person to promote me later on, it’s likely that they would say “No”.

Thankfully, I’ve since learned a valuable lesson and I no longer make fear based decisions. I’m not saying you have to say yes to every single opportunity. There has to be a good alignment and synergy. But if a decision is purely driven by fear it will block progress.

The bottom line is this…

Fear, scarcity and grasping repels opportunities, success, money, and miracles in our business and our life.

Love and trust attracts opportunity, success, money and miracles.
And progress feels effortless.

What are you thoughts on this topic? Leave a comment below.

In friendship,
April Yvette

As Seen On:SharkTank FoxNewsIndyStar NBCDaytimeflorida-todayLATimes

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