Week 3: Your Passions  (3 of 5)

The Merriam Webster dictionary says, “Passion is a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something.”

Your passions help point you in the direction of your true calling in life. I believe, the source of all passion comes from: a deeply held belief, a feeling of love, a desire for change, or a painful experience that taught you a lesson.

  • Passion is what makes you push past every “no” until you get a “yes”
  • Passion is what makes you lose track of time when you are working on a project or doing your true calling.
  • Passion is what drives you to take big risks in life or business
  • Passion is what compels you to spend six months writing your book so the world hears your message. It’s that important.
  • Passion is what compelled me to do research every single day for 10+ years until I could finally see the TRUTH and got the answers I was seeking.
  • Passion is why you cheer for your team
  • Passion is why you want to work less hours and spend more time with your family.
  • Passion is why you left a corporate job to follow your dream
  • Passion is why you take a beach vacation every year


“Passions are how you live your life. Goals are the things you choose to create in your life”, says Janet Bray Attwood co-author of “The Passion Test. I highly recommend this book. It helped me a lot when I listed out my passions.

Write down a list of your passions.

Here are some questions that might help you get you started.

  • What are you naturally curious about? What fascinates you? What do you collect?
  • What do you love doing? Who do you want to BE?
  • What topic(s) do you naturally love to learn about?
  • What have you spent 10,000 hours of deep practice doing? Not because you had to, but because you wanted too.
  • What can you not stop doing?
  • What makes you angry? or What breaks your heart? What would you like to see change in the world? In your industry?

Build your life around what you love, what you are naturally good at and your passions. This leads
to happiness and joy.

Passion, love and plenty is my wish for you,

April-books-1.jpgApril-books-1.jpgp.s. Type your passions below. I’ll be reading all of them.

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