Heaven light ray

What is a miracle? And my own true “miracle” stories. You can attract miracles too.

According to Dictionary.com, a miracle is: “an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause.”

According to Merriam-Webster.com, a miracle is: “an unusual or wonderful event that is believed to be caused by the power of God.”

“A miracle is a shift in perception from fear to love”, says Marianne Williamson Best-Selling Author of a Course in Miracles.

There are many types of miracles like healing miracles, mindset miracles, money miracles, opportunity miracles and more.

Below are real stories of miracles that I’ve attracted: 

  • One day in 1997, (as a single mom) I had paid my bills and didn’t have enough money left to buy all the groceries we needed for the week. I prayed for help. When I got home from work that day, there was a box of food sitting on my front porch from an anonymous person.
  • I put on my vision board that I wanted to get my book published. A week later I was on the phone with one of the largest book publishers in the world.
  • I put on my vision board that I wanted to be a highly paid expert doing what I love (teaching, inspiring, creating content, & marketing). Within a week I get a call from a local business owner (out of the blue). I was asked to work with the company to help grow sales. I was paid $19,000 for the project! And I helped them get 6 new sales appointments in 7 weeks.
  • Several years ago, I paid $1,000 for a training program. I was down to $37 in my bank account. I had to let go of my fear of not enough money and trust. Within 30 days, I had 9 new paying coaching clients and earned $5,142!
  • I took my daughter to a local book store. On the way there, I realized I forgot my wallet. Yikes! I was looking forward to getting a non-caffeine drink from the cafe. Within 15 minutes of sitting in the kids book session, a lady from the cafe walked up to us and said, “Would you like one of our drinks from the cafe? It’s free.” Then she said, “Don’t worry, it doesn’t have caffeine.” I said Thank you and we enjoyed a complimentary drink!


We are all powerful creators. We all have the ability to
attract miracles (big and small) in our lives and/or our business
I’ll be sharing my best ideas on how to attract miracles in this series.
If you found this blog post helpful and want more, subscribe to April’s blog
here: www.aprilyvette.com
In friendship,
April Yvette
Business Growth Consultant
April Morris 3

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