Heaven light ray

First, all Miracles come from a higher power, God, The Universe, Source (whatever you choose to call it. For me, It’s God.)

Why do miracles seem to happen often (out of the blue) for some people while other people never seem to attract miracles?

The answer is… a person’s BELIEF IN MIRACLES.

To the exact degree that we believe miracles are real and possible for us to receive regularly

in our life is the exact degree that we will experience miracles.

If you believe it, you can receive it. Belief in miracles with no doubt is key.

So how do you get to a place of absolute belief and trust in miracles with no doubt?

You have to cultivate a miracle mindset through implementing daily practices and rituals.

Here’s one way you can increase your belief and attract more miracles now.

(1) Deliver Miracles to Others. Be a conduit (God’s work through you) for delivering miracles to other people. When you are part of delivering a miracle to someone, this causes you to believe in miracles. But it must be done freely with no expectations. It’s giving from the heart.

True Story

A friend told me she felt compelled to make a donation to a local dog rescue charity. She was going to give $100. Then she kept having a gut feeling to give $200 instead. She trusted her gut feeling and gave $200. Shortly after, She got a call from the lady running the dog shelter. The lady cried and thanked her. She said they got an unexpected bill and $200 was the exact amount they needed to pay it. The lady had no idea where the money was going to come from. But it showed up through my friend. That’s a miracle!

We are all receiving miracle-specific signals on a regular basis. Just pay attention to the clue’s, prompts, and inner nudges that are pushing you to take action.

That signal will guide you toward the right people, place, message, book, or circumstance that is the answer to your prayer which is your own miracle.

Tip: If I get a gut feeling or a thought to say something or do something or connect with someone 1-3  times, I know that is a clear sign that I should act on it right away. And I do.

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In friendship,

April Yvette
Business Growth Consultant, Sales & Marketing Expert, Innovator, Award-Winning Entrepreneur, Speaker, Trainer
April Morris 3

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