shorts girl on the stairs in the sun

I’m continuing my new blog series called…
“It’s Time. You are ready. Go.”
If you’ve felt a strong, relentless inner nudge within to change, grow, or expand some area of your life, then that is a good sign you are ready.
You are standing at the edge of a line that has been drawn in the sand.

On one side of that line is “your old self”, “your old life”, “your old way of thinking”, and “your old way of doing things”.

And on the other side of that line is “your NEW self”, “your NEW life”, or “your NEW way of thinking”, and “your NEW way of doing things”.

But in order for you to grow, you MUST take a brave step across that line in the sand and into your NEW life. It’s time to make a decision and go!

You can either “accept the call to the hero’s journey” and reach your peak potential and fulfill your calling(s), or you can choose to “deny the call to the hero’s journey” and remain the same.

It’s up to you. I chose to “Accept the call”.

This is happening to you because you were born with a unique gift (a genius) that helps make other people’s lives better and it’s part of your destiny to help more people. It’s bigger than you. YOU are the only one that can help others solve their problem in the unique way YOU do it. No one else can do what you do, the way you do it.

I believe our real work in the world is to discover what our unique “gift” (our “genius”) is and do that. You bring your “gift” with you to your job or your business. I believe everyone is born with up to three primary “gifts”. Your gift comes so easy for you, that you often overlook it, and dismiss it.
Getting help with this is ideal.

What will you choose to do different for your life, your career or your business in 2017?

Starting today, the line has been drawn in the SAND. Will you accept the call or remain the same in 2017?

It’s time to make a decision. You are ready. Go!
Be sure to leave your comment below this post. What is your unique gift(s)? What have you decided to do different? I will read and respond to all of them.
Much love,
April Yvette
p.s. After many years of searching, my unique gifts (genius) are “Excavating Truth”, “Fear Liberator” and “Personal Power”. I am a fire starter. I help others ignite their FIRE (passion & purpose) within. I help others take their power back and deliberately create their best life. I inspire others to change what needs to change and take action so they can fulfill their calling, make a difference and be happy, fulfilled and enjoy their life!

I also create a safe, compassionate space for others to speak their truth and OWN it. I enjoy the process of digging deep to peel away the layers to get to the heart of the matter to solve problems and create innovative solutions to achieve a desired feeling and desired goal fast. Sales, marketing, communication and teaching are skills that I have talent in too. But my “gifts” are my unique way that I do those other things. This is what I was born to do.

What is the work you born to do? Are you stepping across the line today? Tell me in the comments below this blog post. I will read and respond to all of them.  

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