This is one of my favorite quotes by Joyce Meyer. It is the truth. I’ve spent the last 10 months doing a faith experiment and I’m documenting this journey in my journal. I’ve been practicing and learning to release my grip of control and trying hard to make my goals in my business and in my life happen. And instead, I’m trusting God and being in a state of total surrender to the outcome WHILE I’m taking inspired action. It’s a state of receiving. There is an ease to it.

Let me tell you…  Being a high achiever most of my life made this NOT so easy to do at first. But it’s gotten so much easier as I practice trusting more and more. I’m cultivating blind faith. Blind faith is believing even when we don’t see the full fruits of our labor yet. It’s letting go of fear of the unknown and being at peace and plenty right now. It’s being in a state of positive expectancy at all times AND being completely detached from the outcome or results at the same time. Detachment is thinking this… “If I reach my goal, I will be so happy. And if I don’t reach this goal like I think it should happen, I am just as happy because I totally trust that God has something even better for me.”

So far, I’ve seen a few several miracles and I’m blown away.

My prayer is, “God please guide me to the people YOU called me to serve with my unique gifts and skills today. Thank you. I receive all that you have for me. Amen.”

I can’t wait to see what happens next. I’ll be posting an update on this experiment soon.


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Much love,

April Yvette

April Yvette International

Motivational speaker, Sales and Marketing Strategist, Fame Researcher.

Seen on: Shark Tank, ABC, NBC, CNBC, FOX News, FOX Business Network, Los Angeles Times

As Seen On:SharkTank FoxNewsIndyStar NBCDaytimeflorida-todayLATimes

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