My prayer was answered. This is about blind faith, creating miracles and how prayers are answered in the perfect time. I've been praying for something for 3 weeks. There was a deadline approaching. In the past, the closer it got to the deadline the more pressure, anxiety and fear would arise in me. But this time was different. I've been practicing being in a state of total surrender and trust and peace NOW,. while I am in the waiting period with no sign of anything happening. I call this Blind Faith. I totally surrender the whole situation over to God (a higher power, whatever you call the force greater than yourself.) For me it's Jesus. I am humbled and deeply grateful to share with you that my prayer was answered 11 days before the deadline. It happened out of the blue. And before it didn't appear that it could happen. But I held firm to my faith and belief and trust that God must be working behind the scene' on my behalf to set it all up. I trusted and I also took inspired action. When we stay focused on what we DO WANT rather than focusing on what we don't want… and when we stay in peace, and faith and gratitude and trust that there is a divine plan unfolding for us even when we don't see anything happening. Even when time is almost running out and we need the miracle or need the blessing or need the divine favor.. If you will stay in peace while taking action… your prayer will be answered according to your FAITH and BELIEF.. Have faith. It's happening now even if you don't see anything yet.

Posted by April Yvette on Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Much love,

April Yvette

April Yvette International

Motivational Speaker, Sales and Marketing Strategist and Fame Researcher

Seen on: Shark Tank, ABC, NBC, CNBC, Los Angeles Times

As Seen On:SharkTank FoxNewsIndyStar NBCDaytimeflorida-todayLATimes

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