Attract more clients now by being the REAL YOU. (For faith-based leaders and business owners)

We’ve all heard people say, “You gotta be different and stand out in a crowded market place”.

But HOW do you stand out? Well, there are 5 ways to stand out and attract more clients.

1. Stand out by being the REAL YOU

2. Have a clear message that your clients respond to

3. Share your story and build a powerful authentic connection and instant trust

4. Have an authentic sales strategy that works instead of just “winging” it

But today I want to talk more about standing out by being the REAL YOU. When you are being the REAL YOU that’s when potential clients feel a connection with you. An authentic connection influences them to choose YOU over the others.

However, when we are on the edge of revealing our real self, fear of rejection or fear of failure will most likely surface.

Fear causes us to stay neutral, blend in, filter, hold back or hide out from being more visible and from fully expressing our true self. And when that happens, potential clients are confused. They don’t know who to go with because you sound like everyone else. This creates a longer sales cycle. It’s so stressful.

Have you been holding back from sharing the REAL YOU?

I use to do it too. But not any more.

I don’t know about you but I’ve reached a place in my life where I want to show the world more of my REAL SELF including what I belief, my unique perspective, what I stand for and what I stand against. I want to share the good stuff, the not so cool stuff. Flaws and all. All of me.

The mask has come off. This is the REAL me. Finally!

Why in the world would I want to be so vulnerable and take a risk like this?

Because I crave more real authentic connections with people like you. I want to have meaningful conversations and build real friendships. I don’t like surface level conversations about the weather. Because I know I have an important God-given calling and I am meant to reach millions with my story, message, gifts and skills and help more people. I’m not meant to serve everyone. I’m here to serve my specific tribe. And they’ll recognize I’m the one to help them when I express the real me.

That is true for you too.

And the really cool thing that happens when we choose to boldly be SEEN is this…

When you are brave enough to remove the mask

and fully be SEEN for who you really ARE, you are actually

liberating others to be who they ARE.

THAT. IS. SO. BIG. Amen!

But what if it turns some people off and they leave or don’t want to work with me?

Yes, that will happen and that is perfectly fine! You aren’t meant to serve everyone. Simply bless them and release them. Because there is a specific group of people that YOU and ONLY YOU are meant to serve. It’s time to find your tribe. The people who love you, sing your praises, buy from you and refer you again and again. They are out there but they can’t find you if you are hiding out and blending in.

So today, I’ll be brave and go first to share the REAL ME.

I am a sales and marketing consultant and I love Jesus. And I live my faith in a way that is inclusive, not pushy and expresses my love for all people. In the past, I would NEVER say Jesus in the business world. I do now. That’s who I am. However, it wasn’t always that way.

This part makes me feel vulnerable and I’ve been afraid to share these two things until now:

  1. As a kid, I grew up going to church every Sunday with my family. As I got older, I worked every weekend and I drifted away from God and from church to pursue MY plans and material things. I was introduced to new age teachers and I began following that life for a while. Back then, I felt like I was half “spiritual” and half “Christian”. I launched my own business and had some BIG WINS and then a big crisis that drew me back closer to Jesus and I started going to church again. This time I searching for what I believe instead of what my parents and others said I should believe. I started reading the Bible and I started a “21 days prayer and fast” at my church. That’s when I left the spiritual/new-age-ish life and I got off the fence to go ALL IN as a Christian to follow Jesus. I surrendered my life, my business and everything. I shifted from being solely “self reliant” to being “God reliant” while taking inspired action. And I’m doing it in a way that is inclusive, not pushy and expresses my love for all people. After going back to my Christian roots and new church and staying connected to Jesus daily, something shifted inside me. I began to feel worthy and whole. I stopped chasing money and yet I broke through a glass ceiling and my business tripled in one year. I went from confusion to clarity. I was flooded with creative original ideas. Supernatural miracles happen all the time. Jesus totally healed me. I feel deep peace, trust, abundance and joy like never before. New age people are nice people. Real power and deep unconditional love and salvation can only come from Jesus Christ, God the father and the holy spirit. That’s what was missing before in my life.
  2. In 2015, I had a supernatural encounter. I came face to face with Jesus Christ and I had a 45 minute conversation with Him. This changed my life. Ever since then, I hear His voice clearly and I receive clear guidance. It heightened my spiritual gifts: Apostleship, Prophecy, Miracles & Exhortation.

I held back from sharing these things for a long time due to fear of “what will people think”. Believe me I was shocked by seeing Jesus too. That wasn’t something I was trying to experience. It just happened. Words can’t even describe how incredible that was.

(LIVE Video chat with April Coming Soon!). I’ll be sharing my story about all this and how this relates to catapulting your influence, more clients, more impact and more income.

Here’s a little more about the REAL ME. I’m a sales and marketing consultant, I’m a Christian and I love the Lord. I spend an hour every morning in prayer, reading scripture and listening for the Lords guidance. I’m inclusive and I’m not pushy. I love all people. I’m a minister of change.

I’d love to hear something about the REAL YOU. Share it below in the comments. Let’s connect. Subscribe to my blog.

Much love,

April Yvette /

Speaker, Purpose-Driven Sales and Marketing Consultant and Reinvention Specialist

I help leaders and entrepreneurs who have a “rock bottom to triumph” personal story… clarify your message and use your story to attract more clients consistently using my proven 7 step sales system so you can can catapult their influence, impact and income. My work is step-by-step practical, results-oriented, motivational, faith-based and highly transformational.

Seen on: Shark Tank, NBC, ABC, CNBC, FOX, Los Angles Times

(Photo by Marty Moran with White Hot Headshot)





As Seen On:SharkTank FoxNewsIndyStar NBCDaytimeflorida-todayLATimes

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